Let's connected more !

Here's to all my Blogger friends ! this is all about social media that I have now. I would like to connect to u. so if you have one, just don't be scared to follow me on, and let's be connected together!

Instagram : @danellailene
here's my most favorite social media I use it most than others. Remember I only have one Instagram and that is in this link bellow!
here's the link:
kindly follow me on Instagram, I would love to see you in instagram <3

STELLER : @dreamerdanella
I'M REALLY INTO STELLER RIGHT NOW, This app is super cool, super super artistic. I just created it guys, I post most of my photoshoot that I had in my life time. so if you want to see it. just go into my steller account. I put the link bellow this

Youtube : Danella Ilene
I know I haven't activing my Youtube Channel, but I will ! so keep in touch!
cause I'm gonna post my personal video, my traveling adventure, my work story, sometimes makeup tutorial. well, wish me luck I guess :P. But ya ! I promise you! I'll be active on Youtube as soon as possible ! I promise ya !

Medium : Danella Ilene Kurniawan
Who are play with medium also???!!! Medium is really arghhh, LEGIT! isn't it guysss ?!
yapp, I really love writings. I write everything about anything that currently inside my head, that's it! :P that's is my stressed release. and I think that medium is a really cool apps for blogging, writing, and etc. so much fun about it. and if maybe you haven't know about it and what to give a try just click this link in down bellow and LET'S CATCH UP !

Snapchat : @lenekayv
yohoww yohoww ! who's still updated their snapchat? me ! ya! hahaha
even though I am more often updates my story in Instagram, but sometimes, I still use snapchat. I love their emoji, filters, is it uncompareable! HAHAHA *my english.. sorry guys :P hope you still can understand it. lol and ya ! feel free to add me ! and see you in snapchat ! 

Ask.fm : @lenekayv
and yaappp! feel free to ask me in my ask.fm ! I will definitely answers to all of you guys. just ask me anything! I would be very happy :D

I think that's all social media that I got ! I hope we can connected on those apps. and ya, I'll see you guys! and See you on my next post!
